Saturday, March 20, 2010

THANK GOD!! It Was Only A Dream, or Should I Say NIGHTMARE!!

by AuburnVixen

I am getting married this year, and I couldn't be happier. So far, everything is coming together smoothly, which is a rare occurrence in my life! My wedding will include a made of honor (my best friend and partner in crime!) and one other bridesmaid. Last night, I had a dream that it was my wedding day. Family and friends were present and my mother was doing the thing she does so well: handling the decorations and arrangements. As a typical bride would be, I was stressed and not thinking clearly from all the excitement and anticipation. When I entered the room for the reception, I saw people sitting in chairs and the JP stood at the front of the room, reciting Bible scripture...I was about ready to barf!
I walked over to the location where one bridesmaid stood (supposedly my friend, but in my dream she was someone I had never met before..that's dreams for ya!). My actual wedding color scheme is supposed to be a deep dark gold and black with other accent colors. But when I looked at my "dream bridesmaid friend," she was wearing PASTEL COLORS!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHH! PASTEL??? Why not cut me with razors and dip me in acid!!! Even worse, the flowers were the same color scheme. I turned to my mom and said, "Mom! These are not the right colors?" and she said in her Too-Bad-I-Do-What-I-Want tone, "But they are so pretty!" Then I noticed I did not have a bouquet and she said, "Just grab some flowers off the table." :-| ummmm...ok. TACKY!!!!
All of a sudden, I realized my maid of honor wasn't there!! I FORGOT TO PICK HER UP AT THE AIRPORT!! I ran to the door in a panic and saw her driving up in a convertible taxi with her husband next to her. Convertible taxi??? That's new!
She was smiling, as she always does in bad situations, and I could tell she probably was NOT going to kill me...she'd probably wait until after the wedding when she's drunk off her ass and blaming me for stealing her make-believe toothbrush again! I woke up from the dream after that... PHEW!!!
Good news is, it was only a dream. I still expect my wedding will be one of the most wonderful days of my life!!! :)

1 comment:

  1. MischieviousAngel: My boss seems to think that this dream has to do with your wedding not being complete unless I am there. I happen to agree with her. So don't forget me at the fucking airport, bitch!
