Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Dumb Ass Drivers and Cell Phones

by AuburnVixen

We all hear about it on the news: Accidents caused by drivers using their cell phones. The statistics are clear but the drivers do not seem to care. They think they are invincible!!! I'm not going to claim that I have never used my cell phone while driving, but I will tell you it is an extremely rare occurrence. Why? Because I listen to the warnings and I do not believe I am indestructible! Maybe it's because I'm "older and wiser" or maybe it's because I'm not a total fucking idiot!!

Sometimes I pull up to an intersection and look at the cars around me, and try to count how many people are on their cell phone. I can tell you, I am out numbered. One of these days I'm going to get out of my car, open your driver's side door, grab your cell phone and smack you upside the fucking head with it! If your parents and/or friends won't do it, SOMEONE ought to!

I happen to live in a city where people naturally drive like idiots anyway, so people that use their cell phones while driving only increases the number of morons on the road and I am one of the unlucky ones that has to deal with it, risking my life every day on the road with you. I am just trying to get my ass to work so I can pay the bills and I don't want my salary wasted on purchasing myself a new skull because of some selfish cell phone using fuck-up!

When I purchased my latest cell phone two years ago, they had these tiny little gadgets called a BLU-TOOTH device. Check it out! It might save your life or better yet, someone else's!

If my post isn't enough to convince you, check out this website...and if that doesn't work, I guess killing someone will!

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