Friday, March 12, 2010

House Hunting (a.k.a. Shitbox Search!)

Today's Yahoo IM by AuburnVixen and MischievousAngel
(names have been changed to an initial to protect the innocent.. not that anyone is truly innocent!)

AuburnVixen: oooooo....there's a really nice house in our price range!
P is going to say he hates it cause it's a split level...but it's got a LOT of great pluses!! HUGE garage, HUGE yard, HUGE master bedroom....It's a 5 bedroom house too! woah!
It's in our price range too!....I wonder what's wrong with it.
MischievousAngel: what is a split level?
AuburnVixen: a split level is when you walk in the front door into an entry area where you see stairs going up and stairs going's like the basement is 1/2 under the ground and the top part of the house is more like a ranch where it's all one floor on top. They are cookie-cutter houses...they all look the same.
MischievousAngel: oh I LOVE those
AuburnVixen: you do??? EWWWW!
MischievousAngel: yes. I want one of those! Where I choose if you come in the rest of the way or not!
AuburnVixen: I don't love them at all because they are a dime a dozen around here. I used to like them, but since we started looking at houses, that's all we see and they are all the same. They also tend to be cheaply made.
MischievousAngel: Well I like them cause when you open your door to the living room everyone wants to look in. This way - if they look in all they see is stairs up or down. "Mother fucker keep looking inside my house and I'm going to push you down the mother fucking stairs!"

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